Mesmerize Reflection!

I had an amazing time at Mesmerize. I was most captivated by the interactive experiences, as well as the hidden areas- ones that you might miss if you walk past it too quickly. I also appreciated that different rooms had different sounds/lightings, so it felt like you were entering a new place entirely. When reflecting on what was missing for me, I think that it would be the theme overall. I could only recognize that it was meant to be a reflection of a dream because we were told that in the beginning. I’m not sure I would have been able to think of that on my own otherwise. That being said, after I was told it was meant to represent a dream like place, I could identify all the relevant aspects.

When considering words that reflect our group as a whole, the three that come to mind are: reflection, awareness, and regeneration. Although separately these words are representative of each group’s project, they also work together as a phrase, representing actionable items we are providing to those who view our final pieces.




Food for Thought takes on Mesmerize!


Mesmerize Reflection Post


Mesmerize Reflection