Renga review and response
The Renga I’m looking at is Renga 2
Toss Blank seeds of hope
Waves of heat engulf the world
Scorched lands crying out
Voices drown and fraying roots
Pangaea stirs from her sleep
Intertwined by time
Mindful hands shape what we take
Echoes in each grain
Currents crash, meet once again
Floating Falling Face-to-Face
To me, this Ranga specifically focuses on Climate change, more specifically global warming, and its effects on agriculture. From the first half the first line talks about tossing Blank seeds of hope, this could refer to people who continue to plant while hoping for a better harvest for the year, though not actually trying to change anything. the second line is pretty on the nose, talking about global warming, saying that “waves of heat engulf the world” and the lines after that adress droughts saying “Scorched lands crying out”. the frist part of the line saying “Voices drown” could be refering to people advocating for change no being heard, and the second part about “fraying roots” adresses the failed crops caused by heavy droughts. “Pangaea stirs from her sleep” could be refering to cracks that can form from the movement of the contents and the droughts.
For the second part, the first line mentions “Intertwined by time” could be refering to the link between the trends of the earth warming and industry rising, as it happens at the same rate. “Mindful hands shape what we take” could be refering to the farmers that create the food we eat and the care that goes into it. “Echoes in each grain” is most likely referin to the care the the farmers took being evident in the food that we eat. “currents crash, meet once again” could be referring to the sea that is rising, though it does not make much sense. “floating falling face to face” could be referring to how our consciences are catching up to us and now we must face them.
The core issue found in this is Climate change, more specifically, global warming and rising sea levels and their effects on agriculture. how this affects communities is it gives them less food to eat, whether that means a literal increase in prices or not enough food for a specific town with a smaller population? by trying to reduce the ammount of trash produced by us because we constantly use desposable products, we can reduce the overall effects of global warming and in turn would slowly help reverse its effects on agriculutre. this idea of cause and effect can help convay the change that the user can make by showing it visually or symbolically.
my haiku response would go like this
Aware of our waste
Cooling down the earth and ground
Reviving the plants